Realise your infinite potential.
Is there something tapping you on the shoulder that you’ve been ignoring? A goal, a dream, a passion? Let me tell you something, it isn’t going away. There are things that you were meant to do and I believe that they will follow us around until we embrace them wholeheartedly.
If you feel like you are stuck or you’ve lost momentum, likelihood is you’ve been ignoring that thing that’s been tapping your shoulder. Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the time or the energy for it, that it’s selfish for you to pursue your own dreams right now or that you don’t have the skills to do what your heart truly wants you to do.
I passionately believe that each of us has the power to achieve what we set our mind to. I know this because I practice it. Take marathon running for example. As a child I hated cross country running, I dreaded the days of trudging through the mud being barked at by my PE teacher. I now have over 25 marathons and ultramarathons under my belt. I wasn’t a born runner; I set myself a goal, I dedicated myself to it, I worked hard for it and I achieved it. You can do the same and I want to help you to do it, whatever your goal.
Whether you are at a career crossroads, pushing for promotion, feel imbalanced and want to adjust your lifestyle, struggling to juggle all your responsibilities or you’re uncertain about what your true purpose or passion is, I want to work with you to develop a strategy that will overcome the obstacles preventing you from embracing your true purpose. I will share with you tools and techniques that have helped me but above all I will help you to untap your own inner coach who will guide you towards your goals so eventually you won’t need me.
I offer 121 and small group coaching sessions, in person and online. Please enquire to discuss options and pricing.
I also deliver regular coaching workshops and speaking sessions on various topics and through partnerships with Lean In and #IAmRemarkable. Please sign up to my newsletter to hear about when these are happening.
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
— Brené Brown