Mother yourself so you can mother others.
Pre + Post Natal.
The NHS recommends that you keep up daily physical activity for as long as you feel comfortable during pregnancy. Exercise during a low-risk pregnancy can alleviate symptoms of pregnancy such as lower back pain, help with labour and post birth recovery and build strength for life as a new mum which is physically and mentally demanding.
I’m a mum of two and I’ve experienced two pregnancies and births. Maintaining a good level of fitness during both my pregnancies not only helped my wellbeing but also built my resilience through a major transition in my life. Following the birth of my daughter I specialised in pre and post-natal programming to enable me to better support other new and expectant mothers on their own journeys.
I am driven to educate mums on the benefits of exercise and how to train safely during pregnancy and post natally. There has historically been a severe lack of good quality information and guidance for pre and post-natal mothers. I have spoken to women who are either too scared to exercise or who carry on their pre-pregnancy training regimes and cause themselves injuries as a result. The education on pre and post-natal wellness is getting better but I feel it’s of utmost importance that you find an expert trainer who understands the female body and the changes it goes through during pregnancy and beyond. I can adapt all of my classes to pre and post-natal clients, please let me know when signing up. I also deliver specialist pre and post-natal fitness classes through Mumhood by Frame. For more information and timetable visit
“Self Care is giving the world the best of you instead of what's left of you.”
— Unknown